The Blog

To recieve my best tips, tricks, and insights as a personal stylist on how to make the most of your own unique style, click the button below.

April Clemmer April Clemmer

How to Know If You’re Ready for a Personal Stylist

Here are some reasons my clients have decided to hire a personal stylist:

1. You’re Facing a Major Life Change

Significant life events (also mentioned above) like a career change, the end or beginning of a relationship, or becoming a parent, or going through menopause might make it necessary for you to reevaluate your wardrobe. You should always be dressing as the person you are today, not a previous version of yourself. A personal stylist can help you navigate these transitions, ensuring that your outward appearance reflects your inner growth.

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April Clemmer April Clemmer

My Style says WHAT?!

It’s easy to think of fashion as frivolous, and it can be, but personal style is something else entirely! Our clothing is much more than just fabric draped on our bodies; it's a powerful form of communication that can relay a multitude of messages about us to others. Studies show our clothing choices play a significant role in how others perceive us.

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Start your journey

Let’s chat about how to get you out of a style rut or style overwhelm, and back to feeling confident about how you show up in the world!