5 Tips for an end-of-year Closet Edit

We are coming up on New Year’s resolution season, and I know you’re thinking this is the year you’re going to get your style together!

One of the best ways to start your style makeover is to edit your closet. Most people have a bit of down time between now and New Year’s, so I’m giving you a few tips that I use for my clients to help you execute a closet edit that will get you prepped for your style transformation in 2024!

1. Decide on what your biggest goal for your closet cleanse is, and keep that in mind as you go. Do you want to have more space, make it easier to find items, or inventory what you have?

2. Toss the following items:

  • Torn, ripped, beyond repair

  • Missing buttons or damaged closures that you can’t/won’t repair

  • Permanently stained items

  • Anything that doesn’t fit (no keeping things that you hope will work one day!)

  • Things that you just don’t wear for whatever reason: maybe it was a gift, maybe it’s uncomfortable, or you just don’t like it, or it doesn’t go with anything else. ***You have my permission to let go and donate these types of items****

3. Store sentimental items that you don’t want to get rid of but you don’t wear (uniforms, prom dresses, high school jackets, etc.). It’s okay to keep these, but your closet is not a scrapbook! Put them in a different area so they’re not cluttering things up when you’re deciding what to wear.

4. If you have items that need to be cleaned or repaired and you are committed to doing that, then stop and make an appointment on your calendar for when you’ll visit a tailor or dry cleaner. If you aren’t willing to make the appointment with yourself, that means you’re just going to let them sit around and take up space, and in that case you should just get rid of them.

5. I recommend removing EVERYTHING from your closet and then going through this process. That can sound daunting but there are a lot of benefits to this, mainly that you’ll be less likely to put things back in that don’t really belong in your closet.

There’s more to this process when I’m working with clients, but this should get you started. Let me know your favorite tip in the comments!

If you’d like my help with your closet edit, click here to set up a time to chat with me!


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